[US] InPlayGuru is a new inplay scanner tool for live football, released in 2020. It was made to give you a quick insight into live soccer with statistics and kickoff/live odds.
Whether you're looking for goals, corners or something else, we have you covered!

We provide in-depth data to help you make informed decisions and find valuable opportunities at the right moment. Sign up today for a free trial!

Keep reading for a quick overview of what InPlayGuru has to offers you...

Global Coverage

We cover over 1700 leagues and track 30000+ teams all over the world. If it's happening, we most likely have it covered!

Inplay Scanner

Our inplay scanner displays a live feed with stats and odds for live football fixtures. Each value is automatically updated in near real-time. A cell will be highlighted after its updated so you always know what just happened. We make an effort to keep the table updated by the second, so you don't miss anything. Inplay table football scanner tool

Inplay Stats:

  • Goals
  • Attacks
  • Dangerous Attacks
  • Corners
  • Shots On Target
  • Shots Off Target
  • Penalties
  • Possession %
  • Substitutions
  • Yellow and Red Cards
  • Momentum
  • Substitutions

Prematch and Live Odds:

  • 1X2 / Full Time Result
  • Half Time Result
  • Match Goals
  • Asian Corners
  • Asian Handicap
  • Both Teams To Score


  • Team Form
  • Goal and Momentum Charts
  • Favorite and Underdog
  • Head 2 Head
  • League Details
  • Stadium Data

Quick filters

At times there may be hundreds of live matches simultaneously, but InPlayGuru doesn't let you get lost in the chaos.
In our unique Inplay table, each column includes dozens of relevant quick filters that you can apply to only keep interesting matches in sight (e.g. in first half, underdog is ahead, no goals, a given number of corners, a specific league, etc...).

It is also possible to combine quick filters in multiple columns (e.g. Timer: In second half + Score: is 0-0).

For maximum flexibility, and with a single click, you can make the table sync and only display matches that have been picked by your own strategies, so you can keep an eye on what really interests you!
Inplay table tool quick filter matches score underdog ahead


Our distinctive momentum index (or pressure index) takes multiple key indicators to measure the attacking power of a team and represent it in a single, easy to grasp value.
Then we took it one step further and created a chart to help visualize the momentum changes and trends along the match, for each team, and with all goals outlined.
Simply place your mouse cursor over the momentum value of a match in the table and this helpful chart will quickly pop up. Inplay table tool momentum team attacking pressure index


You can't look for matches all day, but InPlayGuru is here to continuously look for matches fitting your criteria so you save hours and don't overlook any games! You have wide flexibility to create powerful and fine-tuned inplay alerts of matches based on rules that can involve multiple stats and odds at once. This would be unfeasible to set with some other tools. Try for yourself!
To help you get started we included a gallery of preset strategies. These presets are a good starting point. Import some to see how they work and edit or mix them to your liking. Inplay alert strategy super favorite conceded goal in first half Inplay alert strategy losing team pushing hard

Telegram, Email and Desktop Alerts

When our football scanner finds a match that fits your criteria it alerts you through the channels of your choice, even when you are offline!
We check all live matches multiple times every minute, so you don't have to! Just wait for your personalized alerts and decide what to do next.

You can get desktop alerts from your browser, get an email and also link your Telegram account to receive instant alerts of picked matches on any device where you use Telegram. It is available for Android, iOS, macOS, Windows and Linux. Smartphones, Tablets and desktops are all supported!
Inplay alert strategy telegram live picked match