In-Play Scanner

Stats Time Intervals

The time options displayed on the dashboard are designed to enable you to view how teams have been performing in recent periods of the game. These insights are vital for understanding the progression of the teams and the overall development of the match.

An overview of the dashboard with a focus on highlighting the location of the Stats Time Intervals function buttons.

The available options are as follows:

All Time
Displays the total statistics values during the game.
5 min
Displays values corresponding to the last 5 minutes of the game.
10 min
Displays values corresponding to the last 10 minutes of the game.
15 min
Displays values corresponding to the last 15 minutes of the game.
20 min
Displays values corresponding to the last 20 minutes of the game.

Momentum stats remain unchanged because this value already reflects the past 10 minutes of the match.